UPVC fixed window refers to a window whose sash cannot be opened, and usually does not have ventilation function due to its fixed sash. Its main function is for lighting and sightseeing. Therefore, from the perspective of definition and conventional design, UPVC fixed windows do not have ventilation function.
If ventilation function is required, other types of UPVC windows can be considered, such as casement windows, sliding windows, etc. These window types can all be opened to achieve ventilation and air exchange. When choosing a window type, it can be comprehensively considered based on actual needs and living environment.
However, although UPVC fixed windows themselves do not have ventilation functions, other ventilation methods can be considered in the design, such as combining with other ventilation facilities, such as exhaust fans, to enhance indoor air circulation. This not only preserves the aesthetics and practicality of UPVC fixed windows, but also meets the ventilation needs.
In summary, UPVC fixed windows themselves do not have ventilation functions, but ventilation can be achieved through other means. When selecting and using, it is recommended to comprehensively consider and arrange according to specific needs and conditions.