Yes, UPVC fixed windows can help reduce the impact of outdoor noise. Although fixed windows themselves cannot be opened or closed to provide ventilation, they have good sound insulation performance and can effectively block outdoor noise from entering the interior.
UPVC material itself has good sound insulation performance, which can reduce sound transmission. In addition, the sealing performance of UPVC fixed windows is usually good, which can prevent air and sound from penetrating through the gaps of the window frame. Therefore, even fixed windows can to some extent reduce the impact of outdoor noise.
For places that require creating a quiet environment indoors, such as residential buildings, schools, offices, etc., using UPVC fixed windows can be an effective choice. In addition, by combining other sound insulation measures such as double-layer glass, window sealing strips, and soundproof curtains, the sound insulation effect of windows can be further improved, creating a quieter and more comfortable indoor environment.